New paper on the molecular mechanism for bright color variation in parrots is out in Science!
New paper on the population genomics of the American goldfinch is out!
New paper on convergent evolution of parrot plumage coloration is out!
New paper on the genetic basis and evolution of avian structural color is out!
New paper on genetic convergence of echolocation-related genes in birds and mammals is out!
New paper on Hong Kong newt is out!
New paper on albatross genomics is out!
New paper on lovebird phylogenomics is out!
New paper on how red plumage production is regulated is out!
New paper on bat fly-host bat association is out!
New paper on how selection and drift drive adaptive genetic variation is out!
New paper on Asian shorebird diet is out!
New paper on Blue-faced Honeyeater phylogeography and neo-sex chromosome is out!
New paper on female ornamentation evolution in the White-shouldered fairywren is out!
New paper on storm petrel MHC and feather odor is out!
New paper on copy number variation of MHC genes in the Siamese fighting fish is out!
New paper on storm petrel olfactory receptor genes is out!
Congrats Boyee on the horseshoe crab paper!
New paper on the black‐faced spoonbill is out!
New paper on global parrot trade is out!
Songbirds like it sweet! New paper out in Science!
Congrats to Devin for winning the Summer Research Fellowship!
New paper on the Leach's storm petrel is out!
New paper on the Northern Cardinal genome!
Our lovebird paper is out in Molecular Biology Reports!
New Preprint on BioRxiv!
Our Raso lark paper is out in ProcB!
New Preprint on BioRxiv!
New Preprint on BioRxiv!